"The" Classic Collins S/Line Station - 1958
Collins Radio Company, with more than 30 years' experience in
research, development and manufacture of distinctive
amateur equipment, has dedicated itself to the objective of
product excellence.
Whatever the field - amateur radio, avionics, commercial
broadcasting, space electronics, communication, computation
or control - Collins' uncompromising standards of excellence
begin with product development and continue through every
step of manufacture, quality control and test.
Collins' amateur radio equipment has been the standard
used by DXpeditions around the world in environmental extremes
seldom encountered by the average ham.
Collins' single sideband products have long been used by
the U.S. military team. During the early years of single side-
band communication, the size and weight of the equipment
limited its use principally to point-to-point circuits between
fixed stations. Continued development following World War
II has resulted in a wide variety of high performance equipment
for airborne, transportable, vehicular and shipboard, as
well as fixed station, use.
The Strategic Air Command commanders' net, the Strategic
Air Command aircraft control net and the Navy Tactical Data
System are but a few of the major installations using Collins'
single sideband. The Universal Radio Group, latest generation
of Collins' SSB equipment, is a highly flexible and sophisticated
HF communication design used by the U.S. Armed
Forces, NATO and space centers.
Collins' research and development, plus the Company's
never-ending emphasis on quality control, assure each Collins'
amateur equipment owner that he has the most advanced and
most thoroughly tested equipment available and that it will
retain its value through the years.
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